A single stakepool operator based in the United Kingdom
The nodes are run on future-proof (UPS protected) bare-metal servers connected with a high speed fibre-optic internet connection.
Half of all operator profits to be donated. Let us know which causes you are passionate about.
All our ADA is staked in this pool along with any operating rewards (bar our contribution to two small stakepool assistance initiatives F2LB and xSPO alliance).
F2LB Delegation: 3000 ada, xSPO alliniance 1000 ada
“Our ticket to the moon.”
Your name here
Our Roadmap
Step 1: Always up secure servers
Well-maintained secure servers with the aim of providing consistent stakepool rewards whilst never missing blocks: 0% margin fee until above 3 million ADA staked.
Current Status:
~60 thousand ADA staked & zero missed blocks.
Step 2: Going green
Then procure solar panels to help this pool go green:
1.5% margin fee.
Step 3: Strengthen the network
Setup a bare-metal stakepool in Lesotho and/or South Africa with local partnership(s).